Публикувано от Bacchante , вторник, 8 декември 2015 г. 16:01

A Secret Poem (Instead of Lunch)

You're an obsessive thought
Like the little witch I dreamt of
stuck between two walls
in my childhood bedroom.
I can hear you shrieking
in my mind
Like a capricious child
whose hunger for attention
is easily overcome by its cruelty.

You're a terrifying ephemeral possibility
Like the gaping hole
just below my shoulder blade
Where I'd probably choke on morphone
from the desire to have you
fuck me through the numbness
and into agony
(yes, any hole would do).

You're a sweet revenge on myself
Like the time I spend punishing my body
for wanting you
and hoping this will keep my mind
for keeping you

You're everything and nothing I've asked for.
You're a frustrating upside-down question mark that belongs to someone else.
You're the neighbour's cat Honey who comes to me for a little affection sometimes.
You're the bad omen I'd never believe.
You're the reason I'd scribble frustrated again.
You're an excuse for feeling alive.
You're my imagination gone wild.
You're a mirror I hate to look at.
You're me on crack.
You're the last straw.

Meet me Friday, I'll be wearing you.

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