Публикувано от Bacchante , вторник, 8 декември 2015 г. 16:01

A Secret Poem (Instead of Lunch)

You're an obsessive thought
Like the little witch I dreamt of
stuck between two walls
in my childhood bedroom.
I can hear you shrieking
in my mind
Like a capricious child
whose hunger for attention
is easily overcome by its cruelty.

You're a terrifying ephemeral possibility
Like the gaping hole
just below my shoulder blade
Where I'd probably choke on morphone
from the desire to have you
fuck me through the numbness
and into agony
(yes, any hole would do).

You're a sweet revenge on myself
Like the time I spend punishing my body
for wanting you
and hoping this will keep my mind
for keeping you

You're everything and nothing I've asked for.
You're a frustrating upside-down question mark that belongs to someone else.
You're the neighbour's cat Honey who comes to me for a little affection sometimes.
You're the bad omen I'd never believe.
You're the reason I'd scribble frustrated again.
You're an excuse for feeling alive.
You're my imagination gone wild.
You're a mirror I hate to look at.
You're me on crack.
You're the last straw.

Meet me Friday, I'll be wearing you.


Публикувано от Bacchante , петък, 8 август 2014 г. 15:17

August 2013
An empty dance floor is like
a blank slate
for the body

and all I'm doing is sitting 
barefoot and crosslegged on it 
begging for attention
(or sending fuck off vibes -
we haven't figured out which one is it yet).

Spoken verse is the gift to say 
with as little explanation as your soul desires.
Desire is on a continuum of
power, empowerment, overpowering. 

I'll paddle through another night
without my sleeping pills and you
now that you only come to
pick up your real life shoes.

Fill me up - shouts the dance floor
and I sprawl across and try
to fill the gaps in the parquette 

Goodnight my little magic pea,
my long lost sole,
my lovely triple step,
I'll forever always love you. 

Now is not time for revolutions or why the heroes of yesterday cannot always be trusted

Публикувано от Bacchante , четвъртък, 21 ноември 2013 г. 1:35

When I went to a talk by Milan Knazko, one of the faces of the Slovak Velvet revolution of 1989, I expected to see an inspired man; a man whose political dreams had come true and who was remembering the battles of yesterday with pride. More importantly, I was looking to see a man who still believed in his cause and whose principles were guiding him in the same way that they used to when he was speaking in front of the indignant crowds, tired of a Soviet regime that restricted their freedoms and caged their spirits. And I did meet a man who remembered the glorious past of righteous fights for freedom, who was proud of how he stood up to a government that was doing anything to remain in power, and how he inspired others to do it.

So when I asked him what would he say to Bulgarian students that are fighting for the lives that they want and the democracy that they believe in today, like he did 24 years ago, his answer caught me by surprise. I expected him to say a few encouraging words; to congratulate us for being the socially aware and active young people that he was encouraging all of us in the lecture hall to be. Or perhaps a word of warning, that sometimes we will be offered deals that will compromise us. Or a word of advice, coming from his own experience. Instead I heard him say:

Now is not time for protests and revolutions.

No, there is no inspirational follow up to this. The revolutionaries of yesterday are telling us to stay quiet. And it's not because they think that all is fine with the current state of affairs – Knazko himself pointed out in one excellently coined phrase the current state of affairs in many Eastern European countries, a 'partocracy' whereby the regular citizen exercises their sovereignty once every four years and are devastated with the result of every election, seeing as the political elite rules at the expense and in spite of the voters. How is that not a time for protests and revolutions?

Mr Knazko, and I would guess many others, are vainly reserving the right of grand change for themselves and the times when in their own views it was clear who was 'us' and 'them' and consequently who can claim the virtues of democracy and legitimacy to their side. In a democratic system, he told me, things are always going to be complicated, different interests are always going to be at play. An opposition can never be united in a democratic system, as there is no pure monumental evil to oppose. And without a unified opposition, there is no chance for large-scale change. But this, in Mr Knazko's words was not a critique of democracy. It was an inevitable asset of it, a complication that does not make it any less virtuous and does not give us the right to protest and revolt.

My response to Milan Knazko's words is simple. We deserve the life we want, the politicians who represent us, the political system that will make our future what we wish it to be. Just like you did back then. And while we will always be grateful to our parents for fighting for the freedoms we sometimes take for granted today, we will not let their sentimental attachment to a system that despite its virtues, has its flaws, to stop us from casting a future for ourselves. I was almost crushed by the critical, discouraging response to my question. I find it sadistically ironic that a great symbol of revolutions passed would so blatantly defend a status quo that he himself sees as flawed. The vicious cycle of legitimate by count of votes, but practically useless, corrupt, and power-hungry governments deserves to be protested. In fact, it seems like the only way to get them out.

If I learned one thing today, it is that the heroes of yesterday can oh so easily become the tyrants of tomorrow, reprimanding the youth of today for disturbing their status quo. And we, the heroes of today, should learn from them, but never let them tell us what to do with our own future.  

Лудост в зародиш

Публикувано от Bacchante , понеделник, 17 септември 2012 г. 18:49

Ситно нанизани спомени опасват града, който уж ме напуска;
Прозаично уж следва закуска, а аз правя
Чай от сълзи
И капка забрава – Тя някак нигока не достига
Затръшвам вратата суетно
И тайно после открехвам, за да пропусна
Лъч от присъствие –
 По човешки не искам да бъда забравена, да гледам
Плажните оргии като безмълвен участник
И да броя кръговете на срама си

 А искам
Да рисувам болка, каквато на мен ми отива,
Да създавам хаоса, който така ме обърква,
Да изричам думите, които ме свиват от ужас
И да събуждам очите, които ме правят безсънна,
Искам да изграждам пътеки от мъка и лава
Искам да съм кошмар в споделено легло
Искам да посея съмнения и да пожъна безмилостен смях
Искам да падна на пътя и да спъвам минаващите,
Искам да ухая на минало и да напомням за бъдеще,
 Искам да живея за другия, а други да няма,
Искам да крия лицето си, да остана без малкия пръст на лявата ръка, да изсмуча всичкия въздух и да свия земята до смешни размери
Искам да прекрача прага, който никога не съм виждала и да легна в едно чуждо легло
За да видя дали черната проповед виси още над него


 Странно съвпадаш, като дефектно парченце
От евтин пъзел – почти, но не съвсем
 Някак накриво лежиш в тясното легло
Казваш ми, че не съм ти удобна, а цял се увиваш със мене при първа възможност.
На книга трябвало да си уравновесен, а стрелката ти се върти бясно и успява да сочи само навътре.
Ще ми се да ти изпия мозъка – без да се плашиш –
Да те оставя черупка, която да мога сама да напълня,
За да съм не само Спасител, но и Създател.
Егото ми смело покрива поляната, в която ти искаше да отъркаш себе си –
Невъзможно е да кажеш, дали парченцата от мен ти влязоха в окото преди или след като ме счупи.
 Безумието не ни отива на възрастта и затова сме сенилно открити –
 Без умисъл, но и без чувство.
Решавам, че ще ти кажа, че съм те сънувала – най-малко два пъти, а те забравям и посред бял ден.
Помъкнали куфари от бебешка кожа се блъскаме, ти забравяш обноските и не предлагаш да носиш моя,
Ти пък вече си съвсем завършен, защото те нарисувах ядосан и те запечатах в черно-белия плик с адрес ул. Никъде.

Douleur Exquisite

Публикувано от Bacchante 18:44

It’s one of those nights
 I would cry after sex
 But instead I scribble
 You know you’ve hit rock bottom
 When you only write therapeutically
 And you don’t believe in therapy
 There is a little green monster inside me
 Devouring me But what’s worse – I think I’ve
 thinned out
 And you can see him grinning from inside my chest
 Where my ribs are his playground
 And you might get scared
 As I’m pretty sure he has your eyes
 To say the least

 Not only am I transparent
 But I seem to be too weak to wear my clothes
 So I come to you naked every night
 And I give you nightmares
 Of crying damsels in distress
 Possibly after having had sex

 There’s nothing exquisite about the pain
 But we keep on going, cos I don’t know another way.

Късчета любов/ Pieces of Love

Публикувано от Bacchante , неделя, 2 октомври 2011 г. 13:14

Десет по десет по десет
бурни въпроса
бушуват в море от сини усмивки
Вървим – ръка за ръка, сами, по трима, в компания
препъваме се, летим и танцуваме
опипом, с очи себе си, Другият
и се опиваме от младостта на живота
Със крила от стоцветни балони
създаваме бури и вятър в платната
Ще ни срещне ли скоро съдбата,
ще водим ли битки безбройни или
ще се смеем в безкраен захлас,
по една малка пелопонеска война
в разделна доза, на час
ще печелим и губим.
Сега ли да протегна ръка,
сега да се гмурна в тези очи,
сиамската близост да търся.
Има ли край младостта и
не ходим ли крачка пред себе си
и така невинно се спъваме,
Докога ще ме парят искрите
на бездънния кладенец
дето наричаш душа.
Като за пръв път се поглеждаме
- неми – и препускат през нас
развързани мисли:
забрави за въпросите, тихо превърнати
десет пъти по десет
късчета любов.

Ten to the tenth to the tenth
ravenous questions
storming in a blue-smile sea
And here we are – walking hand in hand, alone, in threes and gangs
Tripping, flying, and dancing
blindly, with eyes wide open ourselves and the Other
drinking up our juvenile life
A thousand-winged hot-air balloons
gather up storms and wind in our sails
Do we have a date with our fortune
Are we fighting to death or
Are we loosing ourselves in the timeless of laughers
A tiny tragic Greek war
a day, in smal doses
we’ll be wining and losing
Is time to give you a hand,
to dive in your eyes
and look for my Siamese twin.
How boundless is youth and
aren’t we a teeny step ahead
and naïvely lost.
Is there an end to the
Burning stare of the bottomless pit
that you must be calling your soul.
We look as if we have never seen Us
-so mute – as we have let a bunch of stray thoughts
running wild through our veins:
quit all the question,
they were quietly turned
ten to the tenth
pieces of love.


Публикувано от Bacchante 13:12

ще прережа vena cava
или поне така излиза
и после ще ходя на пръсти край нея,
а ти ще събираш кръвта
и ще ме къпеш във нея
през дългите зимни следобеди
ще гледаш безкрайно назад
към морето, което изпихме със тебе,
защото ти каза, че не можеш да плуваш,
а аз нямах дори коркова тапа
да се хванеш за нея

ще започна да човъркам земята,
която за теб ще бъде пустинна и грозна,
и във пръстта щети нарисувам градина,
ще се залюлея на безкрайна лиана
и сама ще прескоча нашата пропаст,
а ти ще се спуснеш към дъното,
за да се грижиш там вечно за мъртвите

не ща да убивам за тебе